Thursday, February 19, 2009


I never understood why anyone would smoke crack, meth, heroin or any drug of the sort.... it's all pretty surreal to me. In this day and age... doesn't everyone understand the effects of drugs? Didn't Rick James tell us that "Cocaine is a hell of a drug"? Well drug addicts are alive and well... and attacking the innocent. Here's a perfect example... you won't believe your eyes! What would you do????

Now that was an example of a violent user. The lady in this next video echoes the same story told by so many other addicts. It just makes me wonder WHY people take their first hit. Her first hit was for LOVE. She wanted to be like her lover... the saddest thing I ever heard.

This was also shocking and very intriguing to me for some reason.... this chick said she loved crack more than life itself. I swear this is a parallel universe on Earth:

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